
Reasons not to break up with your girlfriend
Reasons not to break up with your girlfriend

Communication should be a two-way street! And if you feel like you’re constantly talking to a brick wall, then it may be time to think about when to break up. Have they been suuuper distant or just not as responsive lately? Are they just not returning the effort in texts, phone calls and even face-to-face conversations? Then something may be off.

reasons not to break up with your girlfriend

And especially be on the lookout for if your fights are no longer about specific issues, but devolve into berating the person themself.

reasons not to break up with your girlfriend

It crosses the line of typical partner bickering and moves towards toxic patterns that are really hard to break! Bottom line: it’s normal to argue over little things, like a misread text, but it shouldn’t be the norm. It’s normal to fight in a relationship, but usually in small amounts! If you notice you end up having more bad moments than good, then you may be fighting too much. Feeling secure and confident in the bond you have is key. Because that shouldn’t cause problems in a strong, trusting relationship! If you don’t have trust you might be already thinking of when to break up. Trust is fundamental in a relationship! And if you aren’t able to go out for drinks with friends without your partner texting or calling to know where you are, trust probably isn’t very present. If you aren’t able to meet each other in the middle, then those misaligned values will just keep becoming more and more prominent, and will likely sabotage the success of the relationship. Whether it’s about religion, politics, marriage, wanting to have kids or ANYTHING in between, differing values can cause a big rift between partners! Once you encounter a difference in core values, it can be hard to just forget about it because it’s just such a big elephant in the room. Mutual sacrifices are an important part of a relationship because they ensure that the relationship is sustainable for the long run and there is an equal investment for both parties! But if you find yourself constantly watching the movies THEY like, eating the food THEY want, hanging out with THEIR friends and seeing THEIR family over having your own needs met, then they are not giving your needs and wants enough consideration. Well, here are 15 signs to consider if it really might be time to say goodbye! 1. Knowing when to break up with someone is a tricky feat, and sometimes you find yourself making a pro-and-con list just to get a grasp on what you’re feeling! You probably have a huge pit in your stomach just THINKING about ending things with your partner and aren’t sure if that’s actually what you want or if it was just a fleeting thought.

#Reasons not to break up with your girlfriend how to#

You’ve been with your partner for a few months, or maybe even years, and things were great for a while! But noooHow do people know when to break up? That’s why we’re here to help! How To Know When To Break Up

Reasons not to break up with your girlfriend